Can kinesiology help with anxiety?

Animal Kinesiology

animal kinesiology

Animal Kinesiology

Our pets can also benefit from a kinesiology session. They show us unconditional love to the point that they often absorb and remove stress from their owners, and take it on themselves. They can mirror the emotions, behaviours, reactions and energy of their owners, or perhaps they may have experienced trauma or abuse before they became part of your family. If they can’t discharge this negative energy it can cause emotional stress, physical symptoms, unusual behaviours and disease within their bodies.

Kinesiology can allow us to tap into their bodies and find out exactly what they need in order to clear this stress and allow them to return to their true nature of pure unconditional love.

The bonus is, that animals do not have the same level of emotional stress or conditioning, so they can respond very quickly with fewer sessions required.

What can kinesiology help?

The list is endless, but kinesiology can help with:

  • excessive barking,
  • pulling on the lead,
  • anti-social behaviour,
  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • excessive clinginess,
  • fussy eating,
  • digestive issues,
  • and many more.

How does a session work?

Kinesiology can be performed through a surrogate, so the majority of my sessions are done on the owner themselves, rather than having the animal come to the session. You just need to bring in a photo of your furry friend. In some cases, it may be helpful to bring your pet to the session, or for me to attend your home. Pricing for home visits will be negotiated based on travel time required.

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Kinesiology is a way of letting your body and soul do the talking when it comes to finding the underlying cause of dysfunction or imbalances within your body. The symptoms that you are experiencing are your body’s way of communicating to you that something isn’t quite right, and kinesiology can help you to get to the root cause of those symptoms. Quite often it identifies causes that the mainstream medical system has failed to consider, such as past trauma or underlying emotional stress.

Our mind and body are always talking to each other and influences each other. The problem is that a lot of this communication is happening on a subconscious level (approximately 95% of our day), so trying to unravel what is going on can feel impossible. By tapping into your subconscious through muscle testing, we can get the answers without having to logic our way through them.

Gentle muscle monitoring is used to follow the trail of where the stress is being held in your body, as well as show us how your body wants to correct and remove those stressors. By unravelling ingrained negative patterns and removing blockages, we can allow the body’s self-healing abilities to operate as they were always intended to do. My kinesiology clients have experienced profound improvements in their physical health, as well as in their mental and emotional wellbeing following their sessions.

Who would benefit from a kinesiology session?

If you suffer from any of the following, than kinesiology can help you:

  • chronic pain or illness
  • stress
  • relationship issues
  • headaches or migraines
  • digestive disorders
  • hormonal imbalances
  • anxiety or depression
  • learning difficulties
  • autoimmune conditions
  • insomnia
  • adrenal fatigue
  • food intolerances or allergies
  • low immune system
  • phobias
  • needing clarity
  • money blocks
  • self-esteem and worthiness
  • and many more

How does a kinesiology session work?

Your initial appointment will begin with a detailed discussion about your health and lifestyle, and what you are hoping to achieve from your kinesiology session.

After this you will lie on the treatment table so that I can use muscle monitoring (typically on your forearm) to assess what your body is ready to shift, where the root cause of your symptoms are, and how your body wants to begin unravelling them. The tools that I use to correct imbalances in your body can be varied and differ from treatment to treatment. They may include bush flower essences, acupressure points/meridians, craniosacral therapy techniques, foot reflexology, balancing chakras, energy healing, clearing emotions, reconciling past lives and many more. Sometimes just the awareness of the underlying cause is enough for your body to start unwinding it.

All therapies are gentle and non-invasive.

How will I feel after a kinesiology session?

Following a session you should generally feel more calm, clear and focused. You should have an amazing night sleep and you may notice some improvements in symptoms (such as a reduction in digestive symptoms or reduction in pain).

However it is also not abnormal to feel out of sorts for up to 24 hours as your body readjusts to its new equilibrium and can result in what appears to be a worsening of symptoms (such as a restless night sleep or upset digestive system). This is actually a good sign that things have changed and is just part of the healing journey. These symptoms should settle down within 24 hours. Keeping up your water intake for 48 hours can help any shifted energy to continue to clear and move through with ease.

How many sessions will you need?

If you have had an illness for a long time, it is rarely going to be remedied by one treatment (although sometimes it can be). There is usually more than one layer to your health issues, and each time one layer is removed the body needs to integrate the changes before it is ready to show us the next. To receive the most benefit from your sessions, it is recommended to book at least 3 appointments upfront (1-2 weeks apart). Once your symptoms begin to lessen, you can then move to less regular appointments. However, after experiencing the benefits of Kinesiology, you will want to keep kinesiology as part of your regular mind, body and spirit self-care practice.

To speed up your healing, I offer a package of Kinesiology Package which includes your initial 90 minutes session, 2 follow-up 60 minute sessions, as well as weekly check-ins and ongoing support between sessions. This designated time can be used for coaching or a quick distance healing and is only available for Kinesiology Packages paid for in full.

Do online kinesiology sessions really work?

Kinesiology can be performed over distance just as effectively as if you are here in person, as I can muscle test my own body as a surrogate for yours. This can be explained simply by the fact that everything in the world is energy, and all energy is connected regardless of space or time (the more complex explanation requires an understanding of quantum physics!).

Online sessions are great for people who do not live locally, or cannot come in person due to health reasons. Bookings can be made on my calendar by selecting the ‘Telehealth’ option under ‘Appointment Type’. Note that these sessions will need to be paid for at the time of booking the appointment.

“I had a very intense Kinesiology session with Karen. I went to her with a specific goal in mind of releasing trauma from my body. As the session progressed we realised that I have carried a certain trauma through my past lives, so we explored what it was and worked on this through Kinesiology. I was blown away with the findings as this answered all my questions (that I didn’t know I had about my behaviours and how I perceived the behaviours of people in my life). My body is processing the information and I am being kind to me. I highly recommend Karen Hobbis. I feel so uplifted by her service and her commitment and dedication towards our health and well-being.” Elaine, 2024


“Today’s Online Session with Karen was really powerful and clearing. I’ve been holding a negative life draining belief for the last 6 years. Today’s session shed so much light, clarity and a healthier path moving forward in such an easy and nurturing way. Karen’s approach offers a fast and effective way to heal the “baggage”. So grateful for today’s session. I feel lighter, clearer and deeply satisfied that my issue has been released and I can enjoy a life on the other side of it! Highly Recommend!” Nadia, 2023


“Karen is very caring and professional, and I have always felt very comfortable in her presence and in her space. I have tried numerous therapies with Karen, including kinesiology, lymphatic drainage and remedial massage and I have always left feeling fantastic and relaxed. Would highly recommend!”  Kayla, 2019


“Karen has made such a difference in my life. I’ve been seeing her for a few years for massage and over the past 8 months for kinesiology. Her abilities to help overcome emotional and mental barriers has made such a difference. At first I was sceptical but within the first session I noticed a difference. Her kind and calming manner makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. I would definitely recommend Karen.”  Ilona, 2021


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